Gluten-Free Chinese Recipes

While gluten-containing ingredients may be common in Chinese cuisine, it is totally possible to enjoy some of the best textures and flavors and still stay gluten-free. You’ll want to find your go-to brand of tamari and look into making your own sauces as needed. If a recipe under this category is not gluten-free by nature, you can find the information in the headnote of the recipe card to see how to change it into gluten-free.

Hong shao rou served on steamed rice

Hong Shao Rou (Red Braised Pork, 红烧肉)

Hong Shao Rou is a Chinese classic. The tender, juicy pork is coated in a glossy sauce that is sticky, savory, sweet, and full of fragrance. It’s a perfect dish to cook on a weekend and enjoy throughout the week. Hong Shao Rou (红烧肉), or red braised pork, is…
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Omnivore's Cookbook: Make Chinese Cooking Easy
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