Intermediate Chinese Recipes

Chinese Braised Pork Trotters (红烧猪蹄)
These braised pork trotters are fall-off-the-bone tender and have a rich savory taste. It’s an affordable way to create a scrumptious and filling main dish that is full of collagen and healthy fats. Chinese cuisine is known for utilizing different parts of the whole animal to create delicious meals….
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The Ultimate Guide to Making Douhua (Tofu Pudding)
This ultimate guide to making tofu pudding (doubua / uncurdled soft tofu) explains how to use different coagulants and their results. The post includes recipes for using GLD, gypsum, gelatin, and agar agar and covers the methods and results using nigari and citrus. Look no further if you want…
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Mom’s Best Pork Dumplings
My mom’s secret recipe for creating the best pork dumplings. The dumplings are juicy, tender and taste so good even without any dipping sauce! Dumplings are one of the most important foods in northern Chinese cuisine. Unlike potstickers served in Japan and in the US, dumplings are a staple…
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Homemade Black Bean Sauce
This is one of the most versatile Chinese sauces that goes well with almost any ingredients, and is also suitable for stir frying, baking, grilling, and steaming. I recommend that everyone who loves Chinese food have a jar of pre-made black bean sauce in their fridge. Here are the…
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