Beginner Chinese Recipes

Instant Pot Eggs (Perfect Hard-Boiled & Soft-Boiled Eggs)
A thorough guide on how to use your Instant Pot to make perfect hard-boiled and soft boiled eggs in less time. {Gluten-Free} I’ve been using my Instant Pot for quite a while. Throughout that time, I’d heard so much fuss about Instant Pot eggs but didn’t understand what the…
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How to Make Chinese Dumpling Sauce
Four Chinese dumpling sauce recipes from northern to southern China. You won’t go wrong with any of them! Whenever I’m traveling in China, I am always amazed by the fact that people from different provinces have such different eating habits. Let’s take dumplings as an example. The dumplings that…
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How to Cook Rice – The Ultimate Guide
This is the ultimate guide on how to cook rice. In this guide, you will find detailed information on how to cook short grain, medium grain, long grain, and jasmine rice in a rice cooker, on the stove top, or in an Instant Pot. I also included the rice-water…
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An Introduction to Chinese Greens
An Introduction to Chinese Greens – including a list of vegetables with photos and names to help with shopping in an Asian market, links to recipes using the veggies, and how to prep and store them. When you walk into a wet market in Chinatown or an Asian grocery…
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19 Essential Chinese Ingredients (& Where to Buy Them)
An introduction to 19 essential Chinese ingredients that will help you recreate Chinese restaurant dishes in your own kitchen. Over the past few years, the one question that I’ve received the most is – What are the basic ingredients to get me started cooking real-deal Chinese food? The short…
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Convert Grams to Cups (without Sifting the Flour)
Converting grams to cups is a tricky thing to do when it comes to flour. It is simply not precise at all. If you check a measurement chart, it will tell you a cup of sifted all-purpose flour is equal to 120 grams. However, if you scoop the flour with a measuring…
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10 Cookwares You Need to Build a Kitchen in Asia
This post was inspired by my friend Chris. He just moved to Singapore and needed to build his kitchen from scratch. It reminded me of the good old days in Japan, when I had moved into a cozy little studio and gradually built it into a sweet home over…
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An Introduction to Tofu in Chinese Cooking
Tofu (豆腐, Dòu Fu), often known as bean curd, is perhaps the ingredient most Westerners would associate with Chinese cuisine. But what exactly is it? Most people know that it is made from soy beans, and some might know that it the result of processing soy milk into curds….
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