For cooking Chinese dumplings and buns, precise measurement of flour is not a requirement if you’re familiar with the cooking process. You can always add a bit more or less water by judging the texture of the dough. However, an accurate measurement will prevent you from cooking failure. Especially if you’re a beginner at Chinese cooking.
How to measure flour with a cup
The perfect solution to this problem is getting an electric scale. I highly recommend you buy one, because it will save you a lot of trouble in the future.
If you don’t have an electric scale, you can follow the process below:
1 cup
left: 1 teaspoon right: 1 tablespoon
- Scoop flour with a smaller spoon.
- Shake the flour into the measuring cup.
- Level the flour with the back of the knife (or a chopstick).
- For measuring teaspoons and tablespoons, scoop flour directly and use a knife to level the flour
The following conversions are calculated based on this method.
Convert grams to cups
*Please note, the measurements below are based on scooping the flour into the measuring cup instead of sifting the flour. It is intended to help you speeding up the measuring process.
Measurements on Omnivore’s Cookbook
- 1 cup = 250 milliliter
- 1 tablespoon = 15 milliliter
- 1 teaspoon = 5 milliliter
All-Purpose Flour
- 1 cup = 150 grams
- 1 tablespoon = 10 grams
- 1 teaspoon = 3 grams
Bread Flour
- 1 cup = 140 grams
- 1 tablespoon = 9 grams
- 1 teaspoon = 3 grams
Cake Flour
- 1 cup=135 grams
- 1 tablespoon = 8 grams
- 1 teaspoon = 3 grams
Glutinous Rice Flour
- 1 cup = 130 grams
- 1 tablespoon = 8 grams
- 1 teaspoon = 3 grams
Corn Flour
- 1 cup = 145 grams
- 1 tablespoon = 10 grams
- 1 teaspoon = 3 grams
Gene Rosson
My king Arthur flour had a higher density than other flours. The result is that the water to flour ratio is too weak, That is to say that the mixture was too watery which resulted in a weak dough. Making bread, the rise was satisfactory but appeared to be time sensitive. Much rise of the Poolish in 12 hours, but diminished with additional time. weighing carefully can get us into trouble because all flours do not have the same density……apparently.
Helpful information, thanks for sharing!
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Alena Kozloková
Your table is amazing. I live in Europe, where we use grams and milliliters. I liked the recipes from Pinterest which are mostly from America. If it were possible to add fats / butter, lard, oil /, honey. I write via translations, so sorry for any mistakes.
Thank you Alena
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Susan Dubose
Thank you for this! I’ve been finding more & more that recipes are using metric, I have a scale but am still getting use to do it this way. Personally I’ve found that if I scoop flour from the container and then tap across the top of the measuring cup with the back of a spatula/knife I get the air pockets out and then fill it & level it.
The article is helpful, I’m finding for the converted table. Thanks
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Great article, really helpful for me, thanks for the post.
Charles Wright
The article is very helpful. Thank MAGGIE
Thanks for your tips. Before I read this, there was no way I know to convert grams to cups.
Anthony Allen
Amazing article!! Thanks so much
Susan Dubose
Helpful article! Thank you so much!
Don’t even bother, just ask Alexa 🙂
Paul I asked Alexa and she says she have no idea. It’s a joke of the day! My daughter’s name is Alexa I thought I just ask her. LOL
Yeah… it’s a tricky thing, because the volume of flour isn’t constant. Which means that you don’t do it.
If something is given in grams, you convert it to ounces or which ever weight measurement you use and use scales to measure it.
I wonder if that is why so many people find it hard to convert foreign recipes correctly.
I bought your recommended scale a few years ago and it has been so useful. I’ll often measure ingredients by weight to avoid dirtying more measuring cups.
I’m including a web address to a printable table of baking ingredient conversions by Rose Levy Beranbaum, assembled and available at ModernDomestic .com. I have this taped inside my cupboard doors so I can quickly convert ingredient weights.
Growing up in the US and learning how to bake in the UK I’m pretty comfortable using both the cup form of measurement and measuring by weight.
Hi mam Charlie
Your post is really helpful.
But can u please tell the measurement of sugar also.
Charlie Wlson
I am reading your article on converting grams of flour to cups. I sometimes bake bread, make biscuits and home made egg noodles. So I followed your article perfectly. Your statement that for home cooking exact measurements are probably less important than judging texture and feel of the dough is right on. After I followed some recipes and got the idea, I practiced until I knew what the dough should look like and feel like, and that is how I do it now. I really like your website.
Hi Charlie, I’m glad to hear the post was helpful! I totally agree with you. I found a lot of Asian noodles and dumpling recipes don’t require exact measurement. On the other hand, I do prefer to use scale whenever I bake a cake or pastry.
You made a great point here, that the description of the texture of the dough matters a lot. I’ll be pay more attention and add this information to my future recipes.
Happy New Year and have a great weekend! 🙂