Baby bok choy stir fried with tender, flavorful gluten balls with plenty of aromatics and a drizzle of soy sauce. Look no further if you’re trying to find an interesting way to spice up your vegetarian meal and add a dose of plant-based protein. {Vegetarian}
Use a small paring knife to poke a slit in every gluten ball. Add the gluten balls into a big bowl and water to cover. Place a lid or a plate on top of the gluten balls, to keep them under the water. Soak until the gluten balls turn soft, without tough spots, 30 minutes or so.
Rinse bok choy. Tear apart the large leaves and remove tough ends. If you’re using large heads of baby bok, halve or quarter the heads into bite size pieces. Wash thoroughly to remove the dust between the leaves and drain in a colander.
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet (or a wok) over medium high heat (highest heat on an electric stove) until hot. Add the green onion and garlic and stir a few times until fragrant. Add the gluten balls. Cook and stir for 1 minute.
Add the baby bok choy, continuously stirring for 1 to 2 minutes, until the bok choy is half cooked.
Add sugar and swirl in light soy sauce. Immediately stir a few times to mix the sauce well.
Cover and reduce heat to medium-low (medium on an electric stove). Cook for 30 seconds. Uncover and stir again. Carefully try a piece of the baby bok choy, to test whether it’s cooked to your liking. Stir and cook for another 20 to 30 seconds if needed. The bok choy should be cooked through and slightly caramelized on the edges, without turning too soft. Once done, immediately transfer everything to a plate.