The taste of parsley doesn't go very well with the dish. You could use a tiny amount for garnish, or bring out flavor of scallop, or just ignore it.
8scallopsdried with paper towel
8thinly sliced winter black truffles
option 1 tablespoon chopped parsley for garnish
option pinch of sea salt
Heat butter in a skillet on medium high heat. When butter stop bubbling, carefully place scallop in the skillet, be careful do not let them touch each other. Fry bottom side of scallop for 3 - 4 minutes, till the bottom side turns golden brown and scallop is half way cooked, then flip, fry for another 3 - 4 minutes. Do not touch the scallop while frying, otherwise the scallop might fall apart.
Place cooked scallop in the plate, add 1 piece of truffle to each scallop, garnish with parsley(option), slightly season with sea salt (option), serve immediately.